Blog2023 ≫ T2 passed the Kent Test

This is very good news. Clare heard first thing in the morning that he'd passed The Shepway Test, this qualifies him for The Harvey Grammar School, the shool we want, the school where T1 goes. Then about lunchtime we got the result that he'd passed The Kent Test too. This is the traditional 11+ that qualifies him for any grammar school in Kent. I don't have the numbers but he passed with flying colours. The pass mark was about 80% and he got 92%, though it's a bit more complicated than that.

Seabrook school have had a good result again. Across the county 45% of people passed and more than half at Seabrook seem to have done. We've only heard about the boys and so far we know four out of the six in his year passed, one didn't take it, and the other one who we don't know for sure was met by a beaming dad apparently at the end of school yesterday. This is a good sign, I don't think I've seen that dad make a facial expression before...

Next step is already done, actually apply for the school we want. Now just have to see are they oversubscribed and would we be too far down the list to get in. It would be a strange situation if we did not get this school now, it would have to be that too many other people in the catchment area we better qualified to go than him, that can't be the case. If we were applying for a school out of area it would still be more sense. We have Dover Grammar as a back-up if needed.

Looking back now I'd like to say "never in doubt", but we were a bit concerned towards the end. After the test was done and we could do nothing about it. We did not really have a back-up plan if he had not passed, we only went to see one of the non-selective schools and he didn't like it and we have not heard good things.

We went to Luben to celebrate, and it was good, my pizza was good, service was good, all good.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed to Clare and father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.