Blog2023 ≫ Journey to the funeral weekend

Not been updating so much here recently. Quite busy. Thursday I did an early commute into London. It's my normal day for going in, and it would work out nicely for a trip to Portchester later. I was in good time to get my free parking near the station and then an easy commute into London.

Supposed to be doing some training at work in the morning but I cancelled it as I had the opportunity to go live with some new stuff for Czechia. Luckily all went smoothly. Got a nice lunch in Leather Lane, an nourish bowl, sticking with my plan to cut down on the bread and crisps and so on for this week. I had tempeh and rice and avocado and salad and things. Left work in a timely fashion and walked to Waterloo.

Actually quite a hot walk to Waterloo, carrying my laptop bag also containing clothes for the weekend, and then my suit bag too, and wearing a hoody as I wasn't sure what the weather would do. The weather decided to be hot.

Got to London Waterloo in time to get the half hour earlier train than I thought I would, but as a result I was the last one on it and it was very crowded. I had to climb through four carriages before I could even find a space to stand. Emptied out a bit at Woking, it was fast to there I think, then I found a seat and sat and ate my Tesco meal deal tea.

Went direct to Portchester where I had arranged to meet my nephews at The Seagull. I was early so stopped in The Portcullis Taphouse instead, the real ale micropub, and it was great. Could not concvince the nephews to come there, they wanted cheap food in the Seagull so I had to had there. Had nice chats with them about music and life and then back to Mum and Dad's for the night. Slightly later than they thought, sorry.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed + father to 2, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.