Thought I'd give it a miss as I'm still not 100%, though feeling basically fine. Spent the day walking around Folkestone though, after dropping the boys off at grandpa's house. I stopped in Mr Whippet's in Sandgate for coffee and a cake, then walked on to Folkestone Harbour Arm. There is some sort of German event going on, people were walking around with huge steins of beer. I did not get beer or food here. The Harbour Arm is nice, but it is odd, it does not feel like a thing for locals now. I went on up the Old High Street and stopped for another coffee in Folklore. Then on and on, looking around but not quite finding anything I wanted for lunch. I hoped to find something like a buddha bowl, I knew I'd had this in Kipps before so tried there. No food today so I settled for a pint of real ale. Well, was it real ale? It didn't come from a barrel but from a box. It was real ale that had then been decanted, "served bright" they say, does it still count? Time was creeping up on me here, I knew I had to be back home by six. We were all meeting in Dover at Nando's, and then off to the cinema.
We're just back now from seeing A Haunting In Venice, the new Agatha Christie adaptation. We were in two minds if it would be suitable for the boys, it's meant to be a bit dark and people had said it was a bit scary. But all good, they liked it. Not quite as much as we liked it but still, a success. And so was the Nandos.
Estimated 1282 cups of coffee from my espresso machine1 probably comes to £1.20 a cup (including actual coffee and now servicing1 but not the 'leccy).
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed and father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.