Blog2023 ≫ Trooli confusing

Got this email Thursday night

Dear Paul, As you may be aware, your current Trooli contract expires with us on 11-10-2023 and we are looking forward to continuing...

Package Download Speed Upload Speed Rolling Contract New 18 Month Contract
300 Residential 300 100 £50 per month £35 per month
500 Residential 500 200 £60 per month £48 per month
900 Residential 900 300 £80 per month £68 per month

Then got this email Friday morning

Dear Paul, As you may be aware, your current Trooli contract expires with us on 11-10-2023 and we are looking forward to continuing...

Package Download Speed Upload Speed New 24 Month Contract
150 Residential 150 50 £30 per month
500 Residential 500 200 £39 per month
900 Residential 900 300 £46 per month

I responded to the first one £35, then they just phoned me to say oh no there's been a mistake. Also they phoned me from a number I don't know saying "first can you just tell me your email and your address?" "Er no mate because you phoned me and I've no idea who you are". Why would they do that?

I should not have been so short with them the second deal is probably better isn't it? I'm not using the 300Mb that I'm on right now, don't know if we'd notice dropping to 150 but I might as well go 500 I suppose

Ooh and just got an update by email:

I am very sorry about delay with our response regarding your contract renewal.

We no longer do 18- month contracts and Trooli 300/100 Speed package is no longer available.

Please find up to date contract renewal options below, these include Retentions discount as an apology for the mistake made:

Package Download Speed Upload Speed Contract length New contract price
Trooli 150 150 Mb 50 Mb 24-months £28.50 per month
Trooli 500 500 Mb 200 Mb 24-months £35.10 per month
Trooli 900 + Booster 900 Mb 300 Mb 24-months £39.10 per month

So going with faster internet for the same price we have now (well 10p per month more).

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Married + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.