Up early to go to London. Left home at six thirty to be on the train at seven. Strangely two people came up and stood way too close to me on the platform, though it wasn't that busy. Thought it must have been "their spot" and then when the train pulled up I was right in front of the door. The train was busy, so I got a seat at a table but not sure they both did. Maybe though, as there were two ladies on the table next to me hogging two seats each, and while one of them did get asked if it was ok if someone sat at the seat occupied by her bag, the other did not. She turned to fuss with her bag at each station but kept the seat free until the end of the journey. Some people.
Clare phoned on the way, gave me the fear my phone ringing as I'm still on-call this week. It was just to rant that T1 had left his keys at home. We had a complicated plan today with me being in London and Clare being at work, but it involved T1 letting himself in so a friend could drop T2 off and they could wait inside until I got in. This all depended on someone being able to get into the house and they could not. We need a plan...
Wasn't even that hot as I walked from St Pancras to the office, was it not going to be as hot as they said? I did see a bit of an altercation on Grays Inn Road, a sudden stop and some shouting. I thought someone had bumped into someone else but then it became clear it was just someone being odd, jumping out at people and shouting.
I was in work an hour early for the training, the training being the reason we all had to be in the office this day. Training did not need to be in person IMO, I think it could have been an email rather than a half day workshop but there you go. I left right after the workshop to head home, to be there to let T1 in and as a bonus to pick T2 up from school.
On the way back it was very hot, here is the promised weather. The same odd jumping and shouting man was still in the same place. He was only young too.
Home now, T2 collected. All the windows are open, and Stevie Wonder vinyl is on, so it's quite summery.
Twenty years ago today was the Limp Bizkit gig that we went to without seeing Limp Bizkit, and twenty-one years ago today was The Darkness at Metro. This is the one where I now own the t-shirt Justin Hawkins was wearing at that gig. Unusually I have a photo from the gig, taken by a friend of a friend. Or I had a photo. I have a photo I took of that photo:
⬅️ Health stats 6/9/23 :: Trooli confusing ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Wed to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.