Blog2023 ≫ Hot busy day

Work quite productive, I did the work I mentioned yesterday, it seems to have been a success. Still some more to do on this but I am slowly building the ultimate all purpose dashboard of work related stuff. People seem to like it.

We had rain today but not the thunderstorms, at least not yet. It's nearly 11pm as I write this and it's still really hot. Just got a text from Clare she's not going to be in until at least 3am. This is the first time she's been actually off late in this role. The weather got hotter after that and was lovely when we went for a walk to Sandgate and back before tea. We thought about going in to Green Spice again, but we had ready-meal curry waiting for us at home.

We had free electricity for two hours today but it was harder to make use of than I thought. I set the timer on the tumble dryer so it came on at that time and I put a wash in then too. I also managed to nag the boys into not gaming until that time, so it must have been a litttle spike in usage at that time as all the devices came on. Will see what it does to my bill. I think I get refunded for any usage in those two hours at a later date. I'm also still trying to work out if changing the setting on the boiler is really saving anything.

No parkrun in Folkestone tomorrow, as the air show is on. If I want to run I can go to Ashford or Deal1. Ashford is nearer, and I know the way, but I hate Ashford. Deal is probably too far, so probably going to leave it. I've been running four times this week already so I think I'm fine.

Thirty-seven years ago I was at my first gig, Madonna at Wembley Stadium. I see she's coming back again, don't think I'll go again.


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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Wed to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.