Blog2023 ≫ To Nottingham

Monday morning we were up for our Premier Inn breakfast. But it wasn't a Premier Inn breakfast, we had to go across the carpark to a Beefeater for the breakfast. And it was quiet, so they did not have a buffet, you had to order it yourself. In theory it's the same but in practice I would eat twice as much if it was a buffet. I got vegan sausage and vegan bacon though, it's good these are standard now. The sausages were a bit dry though, past their sell by date I reckon. Vegan is probably not as big a thing in the midlands.

It was not a long drive to the next Premier Inn in Nottingham, where we checked in the car and then walked into the city centre via lovely canals. We stopped to watch a narrowboat going through a barge for quite a while, and absorbed some of the relaxation from their slow paced way of life. The lady steering the barge was finding it a bit slow going even for her though, she wanted to get on through Nottingham and out the other side. Well, every time you put the TV on someone has been stabbed there. And us without our stab vests!

After this we did start to see some of the less salubrious bits as we walked, down by the canal and under the bridges there were rough sleepers. All a bit sad.

We're recovering from the day before after this fresh air and reality check, so time to look for the first pub. We can see them all around us but decided to go with one of the recommendations of the landlord of the Burton On Trent micropub, and headed to Beerheadz. It's another micropub next to the main train station and was fine. We'd be really pleased with it if it weren't for the quality of other places we'd been to. We had a super session real ale there, though it was a bit fizzy and served with quite a head. The other people in the place were all in Iron Maiden t-shirts. This would obviously be a pattern for the rest of the say, middle aged1 Iron Maiden fans are all attracted to the same sort of places.

I didn't take any pictures in the micropub.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed and dad to two, I'm a full-stack web developr, and I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, restaurants, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.