Blog2023 ≫ Good Foo Fighters set

Got out of work on time (but not early) after a productive day yesterday and walked to The Potting Shed in Hythe. Slightly thought this was going to go wrong as I'd arranged to meet my friend outside The Fountain to walk in, and realised I'd forgotten my phone. If I head home to get it I'll be late, but if he's running late I'll have no way of knowing. Luckily he was on time and we proceeded. He's just been to Marrakech for a week, fancy that. It was very very hot but he says the streets and markets were a lot calmer than when he visited twenty years before. Apparently it will still be hot there at christmas time.

We had a great evening in The Potting Shed, plenty of good beer. A Pint of Timothy Taylor Landlord to start and then some pale ales. Lots of friendly people in buying rounds left right and centre.

When I got in we watched The Foo Fighters secret gig on the main stage at Glastonbury, and it was good. I think I will watch it again as I'm sure I saw Paul McCartney at the side of the stage. Will he be appearing with Elton John then?

Up early for Parkrun, dragged T1 along so he could marshal. It was very hot, made me a bit slow, but quicker than last week when I was geeing those two boys along. I did some scanning after. There were a load of new volunteers from Napier Barracks, and some of the guys from there ran too. I hope we will see them again. It was organised by and a group called Napier Friends. I nearly got interviewed for some filming they were doing but then Clare phoned to say why weren't we home yet, remember she needs a lift to her haircut.

My parkrun time not in yet but must be about twenty-five minutes.

This day in my gigography many years I was at Glastonbury, but way back in 1991 I was in Cambridge for The Almighty, I was working there at the time. Today in 1994 I was at The Little Angels in Portsmouth, and a pleasingly round twenty years ago this very day at a Glastonbury warmup by REM at Brixton Academy.


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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.