Day off today, but I'm sat in my usual spot in front of the laptop. Eating a Tesco meal deal too! I'm coding on my personal laptop though. After breaking and fixing the website, I wondered if I could speed up the build of it. It takes about ten minutes to rebuild the 60,000 or so pages on this site. That must be down to a lot of inefficiencies I have added in to the static site builder. I have extended the original code a lot to do things like finding connections between posts, between blog posts and gigs, between gigs and venues. Then also there is the content that gets added in, the "fun" stats on how much my cups of coffee are costing me or how many people are dying of covid (remember covid?).
I went for the file that has a lot of looping and regexing1 in, and that was the "gigify" code first. This just finds links between posts and gigs and joins them up. Actually I went into this first to find out why there was no link between this gig and this "news" piece blog post about that gig. It turned out to be how and when the tags were added, I've fixed that now, but that led me into the speed issue. I've changed how it adds the links, how it compares the links between the different articles and I knocked about three minutes off the build time, or 30%. That's good but I think it should be a lot faster, so I'm going for the other files next.
Yes I have time to sit on my butt doing this because I've done my other main job for the day, I've repaired the tap in the kitchen. I didn't even have to turn the water off, as it had it's own isolating valve. To get to that I had to clear some things out of the cupboard under the sink so I completely cleaned that out. Man we have a lot of duplicate bottles of cleaning products in there.
I'm still doing washing and ironing today, and preparing something for tea. It's nearly time to collect T2 from school too.
Coronavirus weekly death graph for USA + Brazil + India + Russia + UK
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Married to Clare + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.