Blog2023 ≫ A different kind of performance bonus

Yesterday we were rewarded in our department, I think for good performance, for super increased productivity compared to a couple of years ago. Not rewarded with cash or goods though, but with something better, with time! Everyone could finish early, go out and enjoy the last of the sunshine. Everyone except me and my cow-orker James who were on the same training course. So we get to have this morning off instead! What shall I do with it? Sit here and add more details to this blog maybe.

T1 has gone to school again not sure how he's going to get home again. He has used up a month's worth of data on his phone, so his bus pass may not work at the end of the day. It may work, it should work, but sometimes it needs to "phone home" again to revalidate. If it doesn't work, usually the bus driver will know it is a valid pass and let him on. And if not he is going to walk home. He can still phone and text when he has no data, but we have saidit's time he faces up to the consequences of caning the data playing games and watching videos...

I didn't say before but I finally got the money back for our delayed train down to Portchester, eleven quid back in total, worth pursuing. In other small amounts that all add up, I looked at my AWS bill properly for the first time the other day, think I mentioned it. I pay six or seven pounds a month for hosting here, or so I thought. After turning off that database that I set up to help my build a new site for popbitch by bill has gone down to 43p for this month. That's two or three years I've been paying that extra money...

Twenty-five years ago today I saw Grandaddy at Camden Dingwalls, I even have a ticket for this one. In 1996 I was at Baby Bird, one of those freebies at University of Surrey in Guildford, and exactly thirty years ago today I was at The Wedgewood Rooms. It was to see Molly Half Head, who I still have no idea about, but I went because it was advertised as a rare free gig at that venue. I'd been to the Wedgewood Rooms once before for comedy but this would be the start of a long run of gigs at that venue for me.


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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare + father to two, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.