Blog2023 ≫ Too much going on

Too much going on, information overload, I can't keep up with it all. First of the brand new information, Punk AF is not vegan. Who knew that? Punk IPA is, but the alcohol free one is not. I would have had one of those yesterday, we buy it all the time. Now I have to find a new one.

Also, walls. Got a meeting with neighbours about the collapsed wall. Got my paperwork out from when we bought this house, the information pack. I was right it is the Napoleonic wall that is specifically mentioned that we are responsible for, and that is fine. I have not found mention of the crib wall yet (the one made of sticks, which has fallen down). There is talk of us being responsible for the landscaping after the last property is sold. The best I have to hope for at the moment is the management company have also confused "crib wall" and "Napoleonic wall" and they're just in the wrong. Another strand of hope is that the crib wall forms part of the individual properties it is supporting... There's plenty more to read though, it's an interesting information pack. I should have read it when we bought the place!

Interesting stuff in the info pack, obviously I knew this is ex-military land but I had forgotten there are maps in there that show the approximate site of gun placements. There might be proper archaeology under this house.

The thought of archaeology then leads me to a really obvious idea - what treat should I buy myself out of the share money? A metal detector of course! I afford to spend all of the money that I might have set aside for the wall, spend it on a metal detector, and then pay for the wall with all the treasure I will find. It's not an extravagance, it's just a sound investment at this point.

More things going on, the slow cooker air fryer combo I was looking at1 is definitely up in price from when I was looking at it, but looking on camel camel camel I can see the price has flipped and flopped between £200 and the current £280. So I just need to sit tight.

Even more, I have had no joy finding a Habitat Radius tallboy. It's time I had my own chest of drawers, my clothes have been in a pile under the bed since T2 was born. Habitat is long gone, but has been bought by Sainsburys. Sainsburys kept the brand going, you can buy Habitat Radius online. And I did see a tallboy for sale, but now. I might have to look for a second hand one again.

Another thing to think about that I probably should have led with, we went to T1's school to look at GCSE options. He has a couple of ideas and so do we, it won't be that hard. Strangely though I am not thinking IT is a good choice. Maybe he'll end up doing it anyway but it is all spreadsheets and no programming.

Some good news, T1 got into his football club, he is signed up now. Ironic that he couldn't then make it today because of this GCSE meeting. And then we have a Kent Test (11 Plus) online meeting for T2 tomorrow too, and he's going to miss his drama club for that.

Too much going on.

Exactly twenty years ago today I saw And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead at the Astoria. Which was almost exactly a year after I saw them at The Astoria before.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed and father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.