Blog2023 ≫ Still cannot get the coffee right

It's still good but it's not going exactly according to plan.

date ⚙️1 2 ⚖️3 ☕️4 5 notes
2023-01-17 8 9 16 66 28 Grinding even smaller, but still a mega lungo, this is so difficult. Nice though!
2023-01-17 10 9 15 61 27 Making the grind smaller and smaller trying to get the pour slower to get the ratio right.
2023-01-16 13 8 15 60 32
2023-01-15 14 8 15 60 27 Big old tweak yesterday, increasing express time, made an ultra lungo. Tomorrow grind the coffee smaller.
2023-01-14 14 8 18 60 30 Big old tweak but would not analyse the numbers until the next day...
2023-01-13 17 8 20 4 20 Good crema again, good coffee. But should I tweak the timer, and if so how??
2023-01-13 17 8 16 48 20 Good crema, back to the safety of the dual wall filter.
2023-01-13 17 8 16 53 15 Disaster, single wall filter, weak looking coffee no crema, poured away.
2023-01-12 17 8 17 46 23 Ratio 2.7:1 and Tim6 says between 2 and 3 is actually ok for espresso so I'm ok.
2023-01-11 16 8 17 45 23 Coffee in a hurry on the way to work.
Close up of my machine display

My ratio is still going up rather than down, though the coffee is still good. I'm trying to make the grind size smaller to fix this but it seems to be having the opposite effect. Between 2:1 and 3:1 is normal espresso, beyond that is a lungo, which is what I'm doing now. Just not on purpose.

Trimming historical results here now just keeping a week's worth of data.

Coffee Gator scales7 for weighing.


⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.