Blog2023 ≫ Coffee table day six

date ⚙️1 2 ⚖️3 ☕️4 5 notes
2023-01-04 15 7 14.6 58.7 28 Starting out. Tim6 says I made a lungo. I'm going to totally reset the machine after this.
2023-01-05 15 9.5 17.0 44.0 22 Reset the machine, so back to defaults. Too much grinding.
2023-01-05 14 9 17.0 51.0 27 Tweaked everything. Actually 3:1 ratio another lungo. Very good! More changes tomorrow.
2023-01-06 13 8 29 No waste coffee, but forgot to weigh, complete waste of time. Maybe a little sour, go back to yesterday's settings.
2023-01-07 14 8 16.2 48 22 No waste coffee, another lungo.
2023-01-08 14 8.5 16.5 47 25 Slight waste of coffee grounds. What is affecting the express time?
2023-01-09 14 8.5 18.5 49 24 Did not use the "razor" to scrape off excess coffee, in case I'm losing coffee grounds unneccessarily. Not much difference.

I was wrong about single / double being about the single or double skinned filter, but wondering if I should change another variable and switch to the single skinned filter. I think it is the one for the professional. Am I there yet?

Weighing using Coffee Gator scales7.


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.