I got another vinyl storage box yesterday, another of the smaller size, or so I thought. The original two boxes were packed tight and the bigger box is too heavy to comfortably carry up and down stairs when it's full. So I have to sort them out into "what I am actually playing", "what I want to keep but don't play often", and then probably get rid of some. Got too many Red Hot Chili Peppers in there for a start, I hate them. I think I used to buy every special edition I could find in Venus Records, and I'm glad of this as now I have some interesting things, but I also have some absolute toss too.
I thought I'd bought another of the smaller boxes, but it's really another of the bigger size. At least that means I got a bargain. If I don't fill them up they're easier to move around...
The water filters for the coffee also arrived, so will replace that today. Still waiting on the new shirt. Hopefully tomorrow.
Why am I up so early on a Sunday morning you ask? Good point, this should have been my first and only lie-in of the week. I gambled on a supermarket delivery slot though, and lost. You can pay £4.50 to pick a particular hour for your shopping to be delivered in, or pay £1 for a four hour slot, and then the supermarket lets you know by the end of the day which hour in that it will be. I picked 7am - 11am, and it's nearly always around 9.30 - 10am as the van is in this area then anyway. But not this week, I got an alert after I'd gone to bed last night that it would be coming from 7.36am - 8.36am today, so had to set my alarm and get up. 8am now and still not here yet.
Today won't be too relaxing. I have to find the time to run, but think that might be on the treadmill as the weather is really stinking today, rain and wind. Then T2 has a friend coming round to play for the morning, while Clare is at pump class. Then we're off for haircuts in the afternoon, then the weekend is just about over. At least I don't have to find time to go to the pub, as it is dryanuary.
dryanuary: Not drinking for the month of January.
⬅️ Canterbury day :: Run stats 8/1/23 - 6'03/K ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Wed + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.