Blog2023 ≫ Runuary day six

Optician first thing this morning, well second thing after taking T2 to school. I didn't want to turn up in shorts, so no run before work today. The beetle just about got me there. The ignition light was flickering, I think I didn't tighten up the battery correctly so will check that at the weekend. Eye test all good, prescription the same, but as my old glasses were broken I picked out some new ones. And then they fixed my old glasses for me too. It will be good to have spares, and they were cheap as I have gone back to Specsavers. I went to Vision Express last time, as I got a free eye test through work, but I paid more than twice as much for just one pair of glasses. This time I paid for the eye test but got two new pairs of glasses for less than half that amount.

Ran at lunch, actually out of the house. It was quite nice out, the weather has turned a bit greyer now.

No coffee table today. I made coffee this morning and tweaked the settings, but completely forgot to weigh, so of no use at all. Maybe still useful, I thought it was a little sour, which means under-expressed I think, so perhaps ground too fine. I'm going back to yesterday's settings.

T1's replacement phone (or probably fixed phone) arrived in the post, and it seems to be charging OK. He will be pleased with that. They are off to the dentist straight after school, and then we go to Tesco for a pay day shop up. No sweets though as we still have enough selection boxes to build a tower out of here.

I did a little online shop too, bought another storage box for my vinyl and some water filters for the coffee machine. I've updated my pricing algorithm that I use that says something like Estimated 760 cups of coffee from my espresso machine comes to £1.57 per cup (including the coffee and now servicing but not the electricity) at the bottom of every post where I mention coffee. I've now put in the dates of the servicing costs, so todays or tomorrows will jump up with the £20 cost of the water filters, and the price per cup before I bought the last cleaning tablets will have dropped. Well I think it's interesting.

Listening to Hits 6, one of my christmas presents, on the gramaphone. Why did Bruce Willis not make more albums?? Mostly it's not great though, not as good as the "Now That's What I Call Music" that I also got. It's still a journey back to the 1980s though, it's still time travel.

Made plans tomorrow, off to Canterbury, and the boys and I will go swimming while Clare shops for a bit, then meet up for lunch. We're going to have one more look at rugs for the lounge before we buy one we have our eye on online.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.