Blog2023 ≫ All is quiet on new years day

Happy 2023

We started our new years eve with some games, a modern day version of The Clarke Cup. After the first round of Yahtzee I was doing quite well, in second place, but after Mario Party and then Mario Kart I was a hard last. I went to the Clarendon for a bit to meet some friends. It suddenly filled up with people wearing black tie at the time we left, about 8pm. Then back for fajitas, and TV, and more games. Champagne at midnight, so has Dryanuary already started badly? About as badly as Runuary is looking to be honest.

I'm glad I ran yesterday, so maybe I'll feel good if I got off my backside and run now.

Folkestone parkrun results for event #365. Your time was 00:25:34.

Congratulations on completing your 106th parkrun and your 95th at Folkestone parkrun today. You finished in 75th place and were the 53rd Male out of a field of 226 parkrunners and you came 11th in your age category VM50-54. Take a look at this week's full set of results on our website. Your PB at Folkestone parkrun remains 00:20:50. Your best time this year remains 00:21:36.

That's faster than last week, which was faster than the week before, I am on an upward trend. January is usally faster, but I do think I have some sort of long covid. Not felt right since our holiday.

I was saying to my friends it is easier to go out earlier, best to get up and go and not think too much about it. It's 11:12 as I write this. Maybe I'll go on the treadmill.

T1 is complaining he has no clean pants. We still stick by Nan's superstition though of doing no washing on New Year's Day, so he's going to be staying in his pyjamas all day. Luckily we have tomorrow off too to make sure they have clean clothes for school.

I have it in my gig calendar that I was at The Wedgewood Rooms in Southsea seeing Sean Hughes thirty-two years ago today, but that is only because I do not know the actual date. Did I think it was in January 1990 at some point? Or just in 1990 at some point? I am not sure there is any easy way of finding out now. has nothing for 1990, and if I google Sean Hughes Wedgewood Rooms only my own pages come up. I think Mark Lamarr was the support.

Happy new year everyone, hope it is a good one.

dryanuary: Not drinking for the month of January.

runuary: Running at least 5k every day for the month of January.


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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed to Clare and dad to 2, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.