Blog2022 ≫ Back on a strict no drinking in the week regime again

Had been letting that slide recently. It is tricky, with Clare doing shifts instead of normal weeks it means it is always the weekend for one of us. However I've had a couple of early nights, better sleep, and feeling better for it. Will surely all be undone with all the events in the run up to christmas, but it's not like I'm invited to lots of parties. Not even finding as much time to go to the pub, but looking forward to a few events.

Is ice-skating this weekend one of the things I'm really looking forward to? I think the boys will enjoy it more than I but it will be a nice day out and if I have made plans to see you there (see what I was saying earlier about no-one looking at this..?) then be assured I am looking forward to that. A bit bothered it will be cold. I got really cold watching the football yesterday, even though I had my big coat on, and I didn't like that much.

Oddly I'm really looking forward to having to get a coach in a few weeks, because I'm travelling on a rail strike day again. Even though it means getting up at 04:30, I'm looking forward to being prepared for my coach trip. Should be no problem getting a seat as I get on at Folkestone, and while it's not reserved seating1 there should be the right number of seats for the number of people. Getting on at an early stop like that means it'll be emptier and there will be choice of seats. I just want to sit down, with my bag containing coffee and a breakfast snack, magazine in the rack in front of me, neck pillow on, and try and snooze a bit. I want to be sat near the toilet just in case, but not too near just in case it smells.

Odd thing to be looking forward to maybe.

All this pending coach drivers not being on strike now.

Oh I mentioned coffee so will there be an automated update on here?

Guessing 688 cups of coffee from my espresso machine2 prob'ly comes to £1.66 a cup (including actual coffee and now servicing2 so not the electricity).

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married + father to 2, I am a full stack web engineer, and I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.