Blog2022 ≫ The beginning of the end of religion hopefully

Less than half the UK identifies as christian now. I suspect for a while people put down "what they thought they should" on the census form, and now things are settling down. What do I know.

Hey if there is new census data being published does that mean there is more older census data that has come into the public domain that can help with the family tree?

Booked my covid booster jab for tomorrow, because I am young and relevant1. I have to go over to the other side of Folkestone. Last time I looked I couldn't get one nearer than a week away and wasn't sure when I could do it, but by going to an unfamiliar pharmacy for it I can get one tomorrow lunchtime.

Haven't looked at a covid death graph in ages.

Football tonight, doubly so. T1 is going to his football club, hopefully. I can't take him, so suggested he goes straight from school. This would be a bit of hanging around, but grandpa lives around the corner, he could wait there, go there, get changed. However grandpa is not there, he's on a little holiday today. T1 does have a key but he is about as good with a key as he is with a phone and swears it does not work. We have said you have to try it, and if you can't get in just go back to the sports centre and wait in the cafe. I bet he doesn't even try grandpa's house and just goes straight to the cafe, running up a bill. I can pick him up after, but today with Clare's work and my work and picking up T2 from school and only having the one seatbelt in the beetle I can't do it.

Double football, we will watch the England / Wales game tonight too. Coronavirus weekly death graph for USA + Brazil + India + Russia + UK

popex graph Graph line from 387.0 to 5855.0🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸 USA gap in figures for holiday! Graph line from 139.0 to 2176.0🇧🇷 Brazil 🇧🇷 Brazil Graph line from 23.0 to 1723.0🇮🇳 India 🇮🇳 India Graph line from 193.0 to 889.0🇷🇺 Russia 🇷🇺 Russia Graph line from 0.0 to 1874.0🇬🇧 UK 🇬🇧 UK Y axis of graph 0 - 5000 - X axis of graph Jun '22 Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Oct '22 Nov '22
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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.