Blog2022 ≫ Foo Fighters, nearly

Half day friday and Andy visiting, we're off to UK Foo Fighters. A tribute show at the Leas Cliff Hall. I was still on a call with work when he arrived at lunch time, but I managed to break away. We were not quite sure if I'd have to pick thing two up from school in the afternoon or if Clare could do it, so we could not immediately go out on the lash. Instead we walked into Hythe, and had a great lunch from the kiosk outside Hythe swimming pool. I had a ciabatta with cauliflower and something in it, really good, and really good coffee too. Andy seemed to enjoy the walk along Princes Parade, it was a really good day for this. He took loads of pictures of the sea, and the view up and down the road, just like I do. From there to The Hope. He was keener to go in there than I, I always don't think I really like it in there, but it was great. We sat in the garden, not sure I've done that before. Then to The Three Mariners, where we established that we would not be doing a school run, so we could have more beer. I knew it was going to be a long day so had a half and a shandy, very sensbile. From here we walked back to ours, and then straight out again in the other direction. We had to go in The Inn Doors, I can't really go past it, and it was quiet but good. Good to show Andy my local. Then we thought we were going to get food but were running out of time, so instead of a sit down just got kebabs and headed to the gig.

I've never seen The Leas Cliff Hall not busy, it's always been full and there's always a queue outside, so this one was odd. We were there a bit late, so everyone was in, but it was only about half full. The band were just finishing being their own support band, doing an acoustic set, then after a short break into the full electric set. It was good, quite convincing, they sounded good, and we enjoyed it. A proper sing along, a better than average covers band. I suppose "tribute act" is a step up from "covers band". We chatted with other people at the gig about gigs and stuff, especially a family sat right in front of us. Their kids really enjoyed it, I wonder if my boys would have done too.

After we went into The Skuba, which is not my favourite place, but it was open and lively and right outside. It felt quite rowdy, as if something could kick off at any minute, but it did not.

I guess we walked home.

Andy decided against Parkrun, but I did it. Slow, and hot, but I did it..

Folkestone parkrun results for event #342. Your time was 00:24:30.

Congratulations on completing your 93rd parkrun and your 84th at Folkestone parkrun today. You finished in 67th place and were the 59th Male out of a field of 286 parkrunners and you came 7th in your age category VM45-49. Take a look at this week's full set of results on our website. Your PB at Folkestone parkrun remains 00:20:50. Your best time this year remains 00:21:36.

We went down to the Harbour Arm after this, for lunch. Really nice day for it, busy down there. We had food from the Argentinian place again, mine was a vegan lomito, a big hot baguette thing, very nice.

We nearly played mini golf, but were running out of time to get Andy back so he could head off home and see his family. There's going to be a new mini oglf place down there, looks good, looking forward to it. We saw other Emma and Jeff down there too with their kids which was nice, as we rarely see them these days, even though we live in the same town.

Went to Tesco to get dinner things, and washed the Beetle, but apart from that not achieved much. Feels like I've had a full weekend already and it's only Saturday night. I am happy to be staying in, but Clare has gone out and has heard there is a problem with taxis, so I'm standby to pick her up. Hoping she will sort a taxi though so I can open a cider.

Twenty years ago today, one of my favourite Suede gigs. The one with the new album set, then the hits set, then the wheel of fortune rarities set, awesome. A fan club gig, though I was not in the fan club.

Estimated 414 cups of coffee from my espresso machine1 probably comes to £2.34 a cup (including actual coffee and now servicing1 but not the electricity).

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, and I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.