Blog ≫ 2022 ≫ Did I make a saving on the electricty already?

Only one day of data, so not enough to spot a pattern yet, but that BG Electrical smart socket might be paying for itself already. My "just got up" electricity reading is ten pence lower for yesterday than for any other day this week. This is the first full day of using that socket to turn off all the study things when I'm not in there. Ten pence doesn't sound like much, but that's just the saving from midnight to 7am. That could be thirty pence a day by remembering to keep those things (Sonos speakers, two chargers, monitor) turned off at the mains, which could be more than a hundred quid a year. Crikey, from just one room. Well, half a room as I'm obviously not turning off the fridge.

I really hope this is true, but it's probably a bit of a freak measurement. I'll include here for archive purposes1, though it makes the main page look a bit graph heavy right now.

Tomorrow isn't going to be a super energy efficient day as I turned the tumble dryer on for the first time since I've been obsessing over it. A big load of school stuff, pants and socks, that I did not have time to hang out and is required for the morning.

Energy usage graph - πŸ•– is usage at getting up time, just curious Kwh πŸ’‘ last week graph line Kwh πŸ’‘ last week Kwh πŸ’‘ graph line Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.60 Tue Β£3.34 9.9Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.68 Wed Β£3.53 10.6Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.64 Thu Β£3.30 9.8Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.65 Fri Β£3.72 11.2Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.66 Sat Β£3.68 11.1Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.66 Sun Β£3.57 10.7Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.56 Mon Β£2.99 8.7Kwh πŸ’‘ Y axis of graph 0 - 0.5 - 1 - 1.5 - X axis of graph Jun 22 Jun 23 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 26 Jun 27 Jun 28
⬅️ :: ➑️

Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Married + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.