Blog2021 ≫ Pub and then not pub

Planned to go out in Hythe after work yesterday, another very very busy day of work, productive but busy. Anyway, knew I couldn't race out at five because Clare wouldn't be in from work until five, but even my late plans didn't happen. She was kept late at work for the second day in a row. This never happens apparently, or rather, maybe every two weeks they have to stay late. However this is the first two days in a row that things have happened meaning a late finish. She didn't get in until about seven, so that made it a bit late for the Hythe plans, as the Potting Shed would be shut by the time I got there. Called my friend back who said might as well stay closer to home now, so we went to The Clarendon for a couple, and then to the Inn Doors. I stayed there much later than intended, a great night, lots of chat. I was first one up this morning, slightly bleary eyed.

I should have gone out for a run today but it didn't happen, so I did some treadmill instead, for the first time in ages. I plugged the Roku box into the broken Sony TV above the treadmill, so I can watch TV while I run. I watched more of The Watch, the Terry Pratchett inspired thing.

I ran around trying to find a flag today as thing two was quite keen, but had no luck. Will have a look in Canterbury tomorrow, though this is probably quite late, so won't spend a lot on one. We have quite a busy day planned really, Clare has cancelled pump so we can go to Canterbury in the morning, will have lunch out, then back in time for swimming at about two. Then I will head to the pub for a bit, and home to watch the football. I think the pub were a bit disappointed that I was not going there to watch it, when it is oversubscribed and they had saved me a space, but it will hopefully be good to watch it with the family. I don't think England are going to win, but you never know, it might just be coming home.

Strangely my gig history for today has two gigs I was not at. I have a 60ft Dolls gig in there that I have the ticket for because Clare went, but then I have The Darkness this day in 2002, but it's the same days as David Bowie supported by Suede in Manchester, and I definitely remember that! The Darkness one must be a mistake.

I have some takeaway beers from the Firkin Alehouse for tonight and a bit of a Mexican feast. I've had too much chocolate soya milk this afternoon (I was finishing off a carton to make some room in the fridge) so I'm too full to think of starting it yet, think I will be eating quite late.

Country cases deaths
USA 34684179 622342
Brazil 18962786 530344
India 30752108 405967
Mexico 2558369 234192
Peru 2074186 193909
Russia 5707452 140775
UK 5022008 128336
Italy 4267101 127731
France 5799107 111284
Colombia 4450086 111155

Coronavirus weekly death graph for USA + Brazil + India + Mexico + Peru + Russia

popex graph Graph line from 1100.0 to 27759.0🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Graph line from 2195.0 to 24190.0🇧🇷 🇧🇷 Graph line from 565.0 to 32049.0🇮🇳 🇮🇳 Graph line from 419.0 to 10676.0🇲🇽 🇲🇽 Graph line from 272.0 to 5198.0🇵🇪 🇵🇪 Graph line from 397.0 to 5517.0🇷🇺 🇷🇺 Y axis of graph 0 - 5000 - 10000 - 15000 - 20000 - 25000 - 30000 - X axis of graph May '20 Jun '20 Jul '20 Aug '20 Sep '20 Oct '20 Nov '20 Dec '20 Jan '21 Feb '21 Mar '21 Apr '21 May '21 Jun '21 Jul '21


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Married and father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.