Blog ≫ 2021 ≫ Todoing...

Got the beetle repaired at last! Well, the most urgent of the repairs anyway, the accelerator is now fixed again. I took it up to Trans-porters before work yesterday, in very heavy rain indeed. What a day to find out the windscreen wipers have stopped working too. They have a backlog of work so didn't have the time to take it in and do all the things on my list, but could do the accelerator repair. In fact I don't really have a list yet, I should make a list.

I do like this van, I think it belongs to the guy who owns Trans-porters, he does specialise in lowered suspension, and he has two like this with very similar numberplates:

dropped vw van

I took one of the boys scooters with me so I could get back from there quickly in time for work and got absolutely drenched on the way back. Lots of overflowing drains everywhere, most of the streets were like brown streams.

Picked up the car after work, should have stopped for fuel on the way, but was in a hurry. I just about got home on fumes, I think it actually cut out as I pulled onto the drive, so I might have to get a fuel today before I can do anything else... Then straight to the Inn Doors. They had a TV in there so I stayed and watched the football. Bit of a disappointing game really. I thought to myself I'll just stay until England are about two nil up and then head home...

This is me talking about the football1, did you see that ludicrous display last night indeed...

I have woken up strangely early this morning, I should go for a run or do something useful with my day, but will I?

I can make that list for the car:

That's not even all of it really.

As to the rest of my todo list, I checked and I did get a refund from the council for the garden waste bin. I was about to say "no-one has responded to the lawn mower" but I just double checked and someone wants it, so I hope they'll collect it this weekend. If they don't I'll take it to the tip next week, as I have a tip run booked. Haven't found a sofa or a chair yet, this is not quite what I'm after. We do have a day off shopping day arranged in Stratford this week so you never know we might look then. Or we might just go to Pizza Express. Also this week a cleaner is coming to give us a quote. Clare's asked for a one off full clean of the house and then a couple of hours a week just to top up.

🏠 βœ… repair beetle (found someone new, it's driveable again) 🏠 βœ… garden waste collection (cancelled, refunded) 🏠 DOING find cleaner (coming to give a quote this week!) πŸ›’ πŸ†• wing back chair? πŸ›’ πŸ†• new sofa (recovering it will cost a lot) 🏠 πŸ†• sell all the lightwaverf hardware

It's been a very busy week but I do seem to be getting this about done.

Country cases deaths
USA 34366362 616149
Brazil 17629714 493837
India 29699555 382211
Mexico 2459601 230424
Peru 2015190 189522
UK 4589616 127926
Russia 5249990 127576
Italy 4248430 127153
France 5747647 110578
Colombia 3829879 97560


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.