Blog ≫ 2021 ≫ Really hard to find someone who needs the work

OG Buswerks not getting back to me about the beetle so I need to find somewhere else. Who can fix a beetle in my local area (Folkestone / Seabrook / Hythe), if you are reading this and you know please get in touch. I'm trying too but that website was updated NINE YEARS AGO and the emails bounce back. I'm sure they're still there though as there is an old VW Camper parked outside where I think they are. I might have to just go up there, but it is finding the time.

Why is it so hard to get work done? I had the same issue trying to get an electrician, a builder, a plumber, and a cleaner. I think I must be on a blacklist somehwere.

I can update my todo list then. Abandoning getting the sofa covered for now, will be too expensive. So many people not got back to me. And I must get rid of all the old Lightwaverf hardware now too. Will list them individually on ebay, the old Lightwaverf community I used to use seems to have gone.

πŸ’» βœ… inline svg images (what you are looking at now) πŸ›’ βœ… wine rack (existing cupboard is fine) 🏠 βœ… find gardener (abandoning for now) πŸ›’ βœ… bike storage (abandoning for now) 🏠 WAITING garden waste collection ("may take 28 working days") 🏠 DOING repair beetle (not getting back to me) 🏠 πŸ†• sell all the lightwaverf hardware πŸ›’ πŸ†• wing back chair? πŸ›’ πŸ†• new sofa (recovering too much) πŸ›’ πŸ†• another pay day wine order 🏠 πŸ†• find cleaner (no-one got back to me)

I need the beetle fixed in order to get me to and from the station, via the school. Or, I need an electric scooter that can take me on that route in a timely fashion. It would be nice to be able to walk down to the school, drop the little one off at breakfast club and then get up to the station in time for the 8am train without needing a car at all. But the beetle wants fixing anyway, it deserves it.

It is looking highly likely I will need to be in London at least three days a week, but I'll find out if there is any flexibility in that soon.

Looks like tomorrow is the thirty-second anniversary of one of my first gigs. No not that my first gig was thirty seconds ago, that it was thirty two years ago, crikey.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married and dad to two, I'm a full-stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.