Blog2021 ≫ A rare trip out, to Dover

I think we're allowed to do these things now aren't we? As it's a bank holiday we took a trip out to Dover, to the White Cliffs were Clare used to work. She caught up with some friends (at a ditance) and we played in the wild park there. It was a bit colder than I expected, and I didn't have a coat, so I didn't have the greatest time, but the boys did.

When we got back I catalogues my new wines. I have a new cellar leader by points, a 4.2 Claret. We also opened the D'Arenberg Custodian1. An old friend from work told us about D'Arenberg, he said it was really cheap in Australia (he's Australian) but it's more of a premium wine here. We have liked all those we've had, you don't see it that often, but it was available from so I put some in this month's box. I got a delivery of real ale from Firkin Alehouse too, so am overflowing with booze for the long weekend.

Also when we got in I fitted a new smart bulb and dimmer switch and PIR for the cloakroom, so that room is fully automated now. Not too many left to do, just the two way lighting in the hallway that I am putting off. This means I update my todo list, and I updated the style of it too so it's a little more compact2, here it is now:

todo list

Just time to sit down with a cup of tea before dinner time, then a confusing evening. It feels like a Saturday but we're having Friday tea, and we're not watching a film.

Here see the view over Dover harbour from the White Cliffs:

View over Dover harbour - click for full size

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.