Blog2021 ≫ Will I get something to entertain me in half term delivered in time?

Never mind me taking the week off to entertain the boys, I think it would be great if I could do something interesting then too. We can't go very far, as Clare is working every day. I was really hoping the bunk beds would be here, but that's going to be another month still. I did get an "introduction to fine wine" case delivered this week, so it's not a dead loss, but we need more than that. I thought about getting a robot kit, as we have started watching Robot Wars again, but that could be a lot of money and an actual nine days wonder (we have nine days off). So we will carry on watching Robot Wars on TV together, and then when they're gaming I will mess with the home automation. I bought another thing on my list! I orderd the Raspbee raspberry pi / zigbee interface1 which I can hopefully use to intercept the signals from the remote controls and PIR sensors and then control the lights and the blinds. Main thing is to be a bit smarter with the PIR in the study, the light goes off if I sit still for too long.

I also did order more IKEA bulbs for hallway + loo, but IKEA are not so quick with the deliveries so it won't be here until after my half term break.

I added a new thing to my list, a bike shed. Hoping I can put it on the drive in front of the house, might have to see about that. I want secure storage, but without the bike having to live in the house. Having it in the shed out the back makes it less likely that I'll go out, because I have to carry it down the stairs. On the other hand though, the bike is worth about £40, so I could afford to have it stolen fifteen times before that bike shed2 paid for itself...

So still on the list:

No need to keep repeating the old "things I already bought"13, I retired that list here.

Anniversary of a good gig today, The Dandy Warhols, in 1998, maybe their first UK gig?

The boys are just about done with their work for the week. They helped themselves to chocolate bars after their lunch today without permission, this was not good! I set them a punishment task of making a comic strip showing this situation and them being punished. I will share them when they're done. Thing two has been doing comic strips in school this week so it's all good, and they've found the task absolutely hilarious as I found a web page that helps them do it.

Back to work for me. I had a quick run on the treadmill at lunch (still not really been outside for twelve days now) and now back to keep an eye on some things. I deleted A LOT OF CODE today no wait that is a good thing, it was a proper tidy up of unused things. I just have to keep an eye out in case I deleted too much but it's all looking good so far.

raspberry pi: Credit card sized super cheap computer, awesome.


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Married + dad to two, I'm a full stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.