Blog2020 ≫ Friday night pub crawl

Good evening yesterday though shockingly did not go to the Inn Doors at all. I walked into Folkestone and took a couple of bags of stuff for the charity shop with me. The first shop was over quota, they could not take any more, and I started to worry I'd be carrying carrier bags of childrens' clothes around with me all evening. Second one just had room for a couple more bags, so I'm good to go. I started with the Firkin Alehouse, it was quiet because it was early. I had the palest of pale session ales in there, quite good. Then a stroll down to The Lifeboat, via a newsagent to try and get a Private Eye. None to be had so I bought the Folkestone Herald instead. It's so flimsy, there's almost nothing in it and it's £1.40. The Lifeboat was busier than last time I went. Glad there is free wifi in there for when my newspaper ran out. Arranged to meet Alwyn there, and from there we tried Folkestone Beer Shop. It was too busy, no space, so we went in Kipps Ale House. They have big perspex screens between the tables, where for example The Lifeboat does not. From there a last minute detour to The British Lion just for a half. Very nice in there and we should return. Then a failed attempt to get some chips in Sandgate, so on to Hythe for food, then back to The Britannia. Stayed out later than intended really, but a nice evening.

I watched Looper1 when I got in, didn't enjoy it much. Time travel though.

Going to have a lazy day today. I ran yesterday morning, so not running today. There's a race locally tomorrow that I did not register for, it was fully booked, I will go and watch.


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Married to Clare + dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.