Blog2020 ≫ What day is it again?

The days are all blurring into one. I didn't achieve much today, though I have made something lovely for tea. I supervised the school work, thing one did a load of times tables and thing two did ratios. They're going to storm going back to school if they keep up this rate.

We all did Joe Wicks workout today, I only did some of them so I could work my legs, but no dipping or anything that might strain my face. My eyes are absolutely fine though I will be exercising proper before long.

The boys got a gaming chair, like we were going to buy. One of Clare's friends had one she can't use any more, and it seems to work fine. They've both had a good go while gaming and thing one is sat in it to watch TV now. It is a hit.

I did rewrite this print out puzzle thing1 to make it a bit more reusable. I still need to refine it so I can reuse it for a specific quiz / puzzle I have in mind, but getting there. Make your own puzzle here2 and share the link, if you like. Changing the size of the grid doesn't work for sharing right now, must fix that.

I have a conference call with BEERS at 8pm, same time as "clap for carers", we can do both. I say "conference call" it is not at all work related, just a chat with chums, like we did last weke.

33718 coronavirus cases, 2921, up 569 overnight. Actual celebrity deaths now, do they count double? Eddie Large and bloke from Fountains Of Wayne. I know the name Fountains Of Wayne but didn't think I knew them. Clare went to see them once, in their early days of being in London when they went to see everything. I did recognise the songs from XFM days.


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.