Blog2020 ≫ A slow 5k

Finished work today, of course I didn't finish on time. Now I'm signed out of everything and not expecting to work again until June, it's a very strange feeling.

I walked to Waitrose for my exercise today, and to top up our food. They were queued round the block there, the same as it was at Sainsburys the other day. They're only allowing thirty people in the store at once so it was quite a relaxed experience inside. I got the veges we needed and browsed the best-before-today vegan treats, but didn't get anything. I do love a bargain there, if you get there at the right time just before closing there are some real deals to be had. I got some wine, and that was two quid less than I was expecting, and I got some cider for me, cupcakes for the boys and some Beavertown beer for Clare. For the weekend, but, every day is like the weekend now.

The walk there and back was very nice. That should have been a 5k, I do that route a lot when I am exercising. It's come in at more like seven kilometres though, I must have been ambling round the shop for quite a while. It's good step count but not going to be troubling any speed walking records... It's really sunny out, though chilly. Lots of people out on Princes Parade, far more I would say than a normal weekday, though these are not normal times. I think a lot of people wouldn't normally be out until they were told "don't go out", it's making people go out more.

Small waves were rolling in, like tiny versions of the huge rolling surf "tube" waves. Apart from that quite calm out there, though the wind did seem to be blowing right into my face the whole way. What it was blowing into my face I dread to think.

Clare and the boys are making tacos now for their tea, but Clare and I are going to have a buddha bowl later. I'm signing off here and going to sit on the balcony with a cup of tea and a new book. I read that one thing one had recommended - The Highland Falcon Thief1 and it was good for a kids book. I have a few more of his in mind including The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner, but I also remembered I have another Ian Rankin and a CJ Sansom and another Julie Wassmer.

I meant to chase up Flaming Licks today, as they took a payment from me last week the day before I temporarily cancelled my subscription. Having not heard anything I thought there had been a mix up and I wasn't going to get my chilli box. The email just arrived though, so three hot sauces and a snack are on their way to me. I must mail order some more food and drink, and some DIY stuff, to help fill my days.

5k: Five kilometres, just over three miles to you.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed and dad to 2, I am a full stack web developr, and I do mostly javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.