Blog2020 ≫ The whole world is literally falling apart

Our shopping didn't arrive yesterday! We have no groceries, the boys had a limited menu for their tea, and I have no ingredients to make the penne arrabiata today. I got an email saying "sorry unforseen circumstances, no food for you this week", but no phone call. Clare phoned them to see what was going on and they wouldn't tell her as it's my name on the account. I phoned today and they can't tell me either "for security reasons", a major incident in store. Must have been something happened at Ashford as that is where our food comes from.

Also yesterday's cinema and Pizza Hut trip was partly successful, but Pizza Hut had also had an incident and were unexpectedly closed. I can't help thinking it was weather related, flooding maybe? So we went to Nandos instead.

Then as these things (hopefully) come in threes, got a text this morning that the school was closed, because they have no water. We had a lot of rain in the night, wonder if that is related. I've taken the day off, as I had holiday spare. We will have to use it to go to town on the bus again and do some old style shopping in store.

In other crazy fiasco news, I walked out of the Inn Doors yesterday without paying my bill! We all went down there after the cinema and played games for a while, then Clare and the boys scooted back supposedly to receive the online shopping (see above) and I stayed on for a couple more as it was busy with friends. I was half way home before I realised I'd not paid. It'll be fine, I'm probably not barred...

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.