Blog2020 ≫ What is a biome?

New term, new spellings from school. Thing one got his list out and it had a word on that I don't know, and neither did he and neither did Clare. It's a "topical word" meaning something relating to what they're studying. Thing two pipes up "Can I spell it, and use it in a sentence?", which is how we test them. Sure, try mate... "The ocean covers seventy percent of the world making it the world's largest biome". He went on to explain, it is any natural environment where plants and animals live. And obviously the spelling was fine. He is seven years old. Man alive they are clever boys.

Thing one was complaining this morning his new school shoes were so uncomfortable he couldn't walk. They were fine on Saturday when you chose them mate! I think he was hoping Clare would say "poor you, stay of school today and play the new season of Fortnite all day"...

Was really really windy when I went for a lunchtime walk yesterday, so the light drizzle was basically horizontal. Is nice out again today, no rain or wind.

Drove the beetle after having left it on the drive since Wednesday night, with the hand brake on. It had only very slightly seized and it rolled off nicely. Back in the office today for the first time since then too.

Keep forgetting I have the consultation for my other eye this weekend! I must have thrown the letter away but phoned them to confirm the time, so we're all good. It interferes with our shopping delivery AND Clare's pump class. This one is just a quick check-up I think, but if all is good they will tell me when they'll do the next eye, and I think it will be the following weekend...

Didn't sleep well at all last night, I think. Hard to tell if I was really not sleeping or dreaming about not sleeping. I'm not tired today but definitely felt it was hard to get to sleep and that I was awake in the night.

Watched the last of this series of Endeavour last night (series 7) and it was just a bit over the top. Nice to see them return to Venice but it went a bit crazy in tying all of the threads together.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.