Blog2020 ≫ Got snow?

No snow here, but I hear from Al in Winchester that it is settling there. Just very very wet here, so big coats for the walk to school. Doesn't look like we'll get snow here any time soon.

Seems like a quiet week here. They're back to school but no swimming yet. No pubs or evening activities for me, preserving the funds until the weekend. Pay day tomorrow. Clare still went to pump class last night but I read my (quite average really) May Day Murder1 book. I want to like it more but it's quite fluffy. I like fluffy crime, have been enjoying The Mallorca Files and Shakespeare & Hathaway again recently, but the book is not quite gripping me.

My closest workmate announced he is leaving this week! Not sure what that will do to our team. He's not an engineer but was a close ally2. I knew of course he was looking and had had a proper offer last week, but work asked to manage the release of the news3. Normally like it when someone leaves work, it's always a good opportunity for the person involved. This time though we'll get someone worse and who doesn't like to work the way I do in that position which could make things worse for me4.

Hythe big quiz tomorrow, Clare and I are actually going out together! We have a team of six with two other couples. Who knew I had so many friends? So no Inn Doors tomorrow? Quiz doesn't start until 7:30 so we'll see. Either go there if Clare is not ready to go early, or head into Hythe and go to the Potting Shed and / or the Three Mariners.

Saturday the boys and I are going to Canterbury looking for World Book Day outfits. Thing two already has Ironman as a backup (comic books are totally books), but the Batman one we thought would do for thing one doesn't fit. They want to be Dog Man and Dennis The Menace, but we only have a week now so I'm not sending away for anything. Clare might come with us but might be taking a friend to an appointment. Might have tacos for lunch that day.

Before Canterbury I'm going to volunteer at parkrun again, email sent. Maybe my leg is getting better, this torn hamstring or whatever it is, I hope it does soon. Been hanging around for three weeks. Maybe I should properly rest it, so done super limited walking the last few days and will again today. Cataracts consultation on Sunday, so maybe another operation next week, and then maybe no more running for another month...


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town. Wed to Clare + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.