Blog2020 ≫ Febrewery day thirteen

I did walk back towards Hythe tonight and try and get in the Potting Shed But it did not quite go according to plan.

First swimming was good, the boy does get moved up to the next group as of the next lesson. We have two weeks off swimming for half term, then he's back. Same time, but the next lane up. Still swimming widts but in the deeper part of the pool.

After swimming and dinner I took a walk out towards The Potting Shed, but it was shut. It shuts early. I thought about going further but was a bit disheartened by this point. Looked at The Carousel Lounge, it also looked shut, so walked back to The Bell. Everywhere looks shut around here. The Bell was actually busy and looked cheery. I waited at the bar while the barperson chatted with some friends, then chatted some more, then seemed to toss in a racial swearword that even Boris Johnson would shy away from. I didn't fancy this but would I be bold enough to say anything? Next she caught someone else's eye behind me (I was the only one stood at the bar) so I just left. The Bell you have messed up.

I went back to the Carousel Lounge, it was not shut just very quiet. There was a ukulele club in there and a couple of other customers. No ale though, a late delivery apparently. I had one pint of a beer I didn't want and gave up this evening as a bad job. Still that's pub number eleven done and only two behind. In order I think:

  1. Inn Doors, Sandgate
  2. Globe Inn, Hythe
  3. Red Cow, Folkestone
  4. Fountain, Seabrook
  5. Firkin Ale House, Folkestone
  6. Kipps, Folkestone
  7. Bouverie Tap, Folkestone
  8. Harveys, Folkestone
  9. Providence, Sandgate
  10. White Hart, Hythe
  11. Carousel Lounge, Hythe

This is the start of my long weekend as I have Friday off. It's safe to mention we're going to London now as this won't get published until I get back. And no-one is reading this anyway.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.