Blog2020 ≫ Everything was conspiring against this morning's run

It was like that book by Stephen King about JFK1 when he's trying to get somewhere and destiny is trying to stop him with little thing after little thing, his car won't start, a tree comes down in front of him etc. It was EXACTLY like that, so what did it mean? Why was I being stopped? What was going to happen when I did get out on the run? I was a bit wary actually, until I remembered I don't believe in such supernatural forces, so pushed on through.

First could not find my head torch, and it's dark out there. Did the head torch KNOW I was looking at a replacement yesterday and leave home? Or have I just put it down somewhere? Next my hat with the led light in that Clare got me last year was not charged, so cut out instantly. Then my proper torch2 was also not fully charged, so that started cutting out on my run to Sandgate and back3, and it was dark. I nearly bumped into other runners once, as they were running side by side and one had a light and one didn't.

Dry-vegan-runuary day ten though! And not a bad pace, particularly the final sprint. Have not even thought about the drinking really. Hmm, but I'm thinking about it now or I would not have mentioned it. Will go back to the Inn Doors after work today for a couple and hope they still have the alcohol free beers in.

I did a little bit of coding the other night, to be able to replace text in these posts with links but to make sure it doesn't try to put a link into something that is already a link, and it's working nicely.

runuary: Running at least 5k every day for the month of January.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed + father to two, I'm a full stack web developr, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.