Blog2019 ≫ The beetle is all legal again

I got it back from the garage, having been MOT'd. It failed on a few small things that were down to bulbs and fuses so they fixed that and I'm all legal again. It's a treat to have the full beam back again, I thought that was something more serious, should have checked the fuses.

Garage is conveniently placed at the other side of Hythe too, so I ran there to collect it. First night run in a while, only 5pm but dark, I had my head torch on.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.