Blog2019 ≫ Hot hot hot

Yesterday was hella hot, as predicted, as forecast. I worked from home and then had the afternoon off with the boys. We took a picnic to the beach, which was crowded. Plenty of people in the sea, was truly lovely and holidayish. Was too hot to sit there too long, the actual stones on the beach were too hot too touch. Boys had not been well behaved enough to deserve an icecream unfortunately, thing two particularly bad with his lunch, he seems to be off his food a bit. So we headed home again. In the afternoon we did crafts, got the glue gun out and made a rocket. I also set the boys a Lego challenge to put some of the big models back together, everything is scattered everywhere. Thing one had a good go at Misfortune's Keep1 with only a few screaming fits about how the bits had gone missing.

Using the glue gun and having seen KISS recently made me want to listen to Love Gun1. A good album with some dreadful tracks on it, Christine Sixteen man alive... It was a different time.

For tea we all had curry, very sensible in the heat. It's part of a new scheme of "food from a country in the news", Nepal this time, and was meant to be goat curry for them. Clare couldn't find it in time and they substituted for lamb, I had one of my fake chicken ones I'd made recently. All delicious and a hit, what will they make inspired by the new Week Junior magazine that comes out today?

Heard Emma was recommended not to travel in to London for work because of the trains not being reliable, and indeed the high speed had problems later in the day. Crazy times when it's too hot for the trains to run. I assumed it was just just worry about people fainting on the platforms or in the carriages and causing delay, but there were actual physical problems with the electrics.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town. Wed + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.