Blog2018 ≫ Tried a new pub

As mentioned I decided to walk past the Inn Doors last night and go for a drink in Folkestone. This change of plan meant changing my eating schedule too so I made my tea before going out. Second "Friday tea" in a row with no pottoes, I did sweet potato instead. Also no onion rings. A more colourful meal, as the best advice suggests, but the colour was mostly orange. Still better than beige.

First I tried the Harbour Arm, was further than I had anticipated to walk directly from here. Also, not quite worth the journey, all the outside bars were closed, and service in The Waiting Room was just too slow! There were only two people in front of me, and two bar staff, but they were moving at a glacial pace. I waited five minutes but then just gave up and huffed out. I didn't fancy a drink in Bathtub And Gunn as that would have been a can or bottle or cocktail, I just wanted a pint. So, onward!

Remembered I had not been in the Troubador yet, so headed there. I tried last bank holiday, but they were shut. It's a nice enough place, comfortable, decked out in a medieval style really. A bit quiet, would be better if it was busier and more than one conversation going on. A nice pint, but at £4.40 significantly more expensive than the Inn Doors. I knew where I should be...

Headed back to the Inn Doors. They were keen for my analysis of the pricing, I hope it doesn't cause them to put up their prices. Bumped into Uncle Frank and his new friend Kathleen who were over from Ireland which was nice, and then Fiona arrived too. I left them to it and headed home for some TV. We tried to watch The Bridge, realised we had missed some, found the previous iplayer episode, realised we hadn't missed any, got confused and watched Big Bang Theory instead.

Slipped off the health wagon this morning by having toast to follow my cereal. I do love it but I'm beginning to think bread doesn't agree with me.

Off to Tenterden for swimming and a Prezzo today, lovely.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Married + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.