Blog2015 ≫ December the 30th be with you

Today is Star Wars day for us, we're off to see The Force Awakens this afternoon. number two son is staying here with Grandpa but Number one son is looking forward to it and is wearing his new Darth Vader outfit for it. I hope he doesn't cause too much damage with his light sabre, or use the force on anyone unnecessarily.

It's nearly nine am now and the rest of the house is quiet! No-one is up yet, or, they have all got up and gone out. Sure I'd have noticed that though. It's Clare's lie in and so I've been very lucky that the boys have slept in, as Clare was yesterday. I expect this is going to cause us pain when term starts again next week and they have to be up by seven again.

Yesterday we went bowling with Emma and Jeff. Pretty confident I saw a bag snatcher, someone was surveying our pile of coats while we were bowling. At first I thought he was with the people on the next lane but then I noticed they looked a bit suspiciously at him too. He was leaning over the seats where our two lanes were just watching the bowling. He was definitely dressed like a wrong 'un, with a soft black leather jacket over jogging bottoms and scruffy trainers. He had very receded dark hair and a big black moustache (this page calls it a rock star1, so look out.

Most people at the bowling alley who are not actually bowling look like thieves and miscreants to me but this time I wasn't just being paranoid. He didn't steal anything from us or the people in the next lane but I'm sure I'm right.

It might have been cheaper and simpler if I'd been pickpocketed as I ended up with thing one putting all my money into the machines anyway, the Star Wars arcade game, Mario Kart, and racing motorbikes.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married and dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.