Blog2015 ≫ Phone fun

I've been with Sainsbury's mobile for about a year, it's been cheap. Now they're shutting down the business, so I have until January to find a new deal. Oh and I can't make any more payments in and have no call credit, so I can receive calls now but not make them... Trying to move, and also keep it cheap, cheaper if possible. I've got a five pounds a month deal from Virgin, sounds good. I don't make many calls nor use much data, I hardly leave the house unless I'm at work, so I'm usually on wifi. Changing phones is PAIN!

I've got a new sim card, the correct size on the second attempt, and it's all enabled, so I can make calls again. However my original Sony Xperia handset won't accept the new sim, it's locked. Even though I bought the Sony outright, also from Sainsbury's, gah. I know the sim is good because I have tried it in Emma's old iphone which she left here for Number one son to play games on and all is working. I can still phone Sainsbury's support line from my phone, but it takes them forever to answer - I get an automated answer before the dialling tone so I'm loathe to try it from any other phone as I'll just be hanging on running up a bill... Finally got through, worked out how to unlock my phone. Got the IMEI number and the lady on phone support was able to send me an unlock code almost right away, by test... but when I try it it's not accepted. So back to the drawing board, back on hold for an hour.

It annoys me when someone says "I've got a new phone number", because you ought to keep the same number when you move phones but I'm starting to see why people don't just buy a new phone each time and get a contract. I'm sure the average person is paying a tonne more than me (literally hundreds of pounds more per year) but are they banging their face against the desk right now on hold? Who's the real winner here?

Changing phones is PAIN.

💬 I have quite likely bricked my phone

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Married to Clare + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.