The next supper club date is set for Sunday, August 2nd at The Firkin Alehouse in Cheriton Place

FG ≫ 2015 ≫ The next supper club date is set for Sunday, August 2nd at The Firkin Alehouse in Cheriton Place

The next supper club1 is announced, from A Crust Eaten2:

We're hoping to do a grilling menu with a Spanish twist and - hopefully - take advantage of some beautiful summer weather! The menu is going to be something along these lines:


Grilled spring onions with romesco sauce

White gazpacho with pickled shrimp

Grilled fish, chorizo and mussels with olive oil croutons and saffron aioli

Grilled peaches with vanilla cream and almond crumble

It's 25pp and there will be real ale, cider, wine and soft drinks to purchase on the night. Sangria is also in negotiation. :)

Get in touch as soon as you can if you'd like tickets because spaces are really limited at The Firkin and there are two spaces gone already

Not so vegan this time so I won't be there, but heartily recommended. I'd love to go to one at the Firkin.

⬅️ :: ➡️

This is my website The 'Gerald that I set up in a fury of excitement when we first moved here in approximately 2004. I'd been a frequent visitor for a few years before that but I am technically one of those DFLs you get nowadays. The site was a lot more dynamic with a calendar of events + voting for favourite venues + things, + I hear it was a useful reference for those who were thinking of moving here. Now I've moved out of Folkestone again (though only to Hythe) it doesn't get as much attention as it used to. Ironic really as The town is becoming the exciting place we always thought it was just about to. My name is not Gerald BTW, this comes from a fake newspaper in an episode of The Day Today or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, and how there is a local newspaper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are great aren't they? Do contact me if you have anything to offer, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on the twitter.