Blog2015 ≫ House at the end of our road being resold already

We thought it was a high price when the Ocean Heights houses at the end of Alexandra Corniche first went up, at prices from 340,000 - 360,000. Now one of them is back on the market, before anyone even moved in to it, at 395,0001.

That does seem to be number one in the pictures though, and as far as I know it's number three that has the for sale sign outside. What's going on?

It's going mental round here, though it doesn't do us any good unless we wanted to leave this area and move somewhere cheaper.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed + father to 2, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.