Blog2015 ≫ Also bought shoes

⬆️Amazing weekend in Brighton

I had been saving my money since Clare surprised me with the Brighton trip thinking that I'd get me some shoes while I was down there. I don't buy shoes very often but a trip to Vegetarian Shoes1 was just the ticket. I also heard Dr Martens were doing proper vegans2 too, so thought I could go and try some on there. But no! Brighton DM store does not have the vegan shoes in! There is no call for them apparently. If not in Brighton then where on earth do they sell these? I don't want to risk trying some online because they are expensive and there would be the hassle of trying to return them by post, I want to go try some on...

Maybe everyone's loyal to Vegetarian Shoes in the are. We actually went there first, and I bought some new trainers and wore them right away, then tried the DM store, then had to head back to Vegetarian Shoes to buy some DM-a-likes3 as I was set on some new black shoes.

The boots need wearing in. I had a struggle finding the right size, didn't see that bit about the sizes

Please bear in mind when ordering Airseal footwear that the sizing runs large eg. if you are a small size 8 you may wish to drop down to a size 7 or if you are a regular/large size 8 then you may wish to try the size 8 with insoles.

though in the end I did get a size seven from them, when I'm normally an 8. I tried the 8 with insoles too but they weren't right either. Hope these wear in nicely and give me years of wear.

Here are the trainers I bought4.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I am a full-stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.