Blog2015 ≫ Still enjoying my new phone, listening to music on it now

I'm playing music on my new phone1 while sat at the table working from home. No, not headphones, out of the internal speaker, like some annoying kid on the bus! It's not bad actually.

Found a couple of odd music related things, probably related to the non-standard way sony do the music playing on the phone, it doesn't quite sync up with my pebble correctly. I can play and pause and skip tracks from the watch, but on the display it still says I'm listening to AC/DC. OK, mostly I am listening to AC/DC so it's a fair bet, a stopped watch is right twice a day etc, but right now I'm not. Could be the pebble, could be the phone, somewhere between the two of them they are misrepresenting my music skills.

Also tsk sony, I always say I'll never buy anything from sony again because they have their own weird standards that are non-standard. Scrobble droid didn't work, that's what I was using to send my listening habits up to and make those charts of what I'm listening to:

Chart of the week

  1. Satan Said Dance
  2. (You Gotta) Believe in Yourself
  3. More Than a Feeling
  4. Walk Away
  5. Heart of Lothian (2017 Remastered Version)

And top artists of the week

  1. The Cult
  2. Nick Helm
  3. Blur
  4. The Smiths
  5. The Rolling Stones

So one solution is to install the official app, but WAT? Why do you need all those permissions??? It wants access to every part of my phone and my online life in order to run, no thanks. So I installed simple scrobbler instead, needs no unusual permissions.

Something about this triggered a dream last night. I installed pixel miner2 on my pebble, it is a WEIRD GAME. It is a man, and he digs. And you watch him dig. He keeps digging, even when you're not watching. Sometimes he finds stuff, if he does you can trade it in for tools so he can dig more. It's the first game that is exclusive to the pebble watch and it is ODD. Strangely compelling. Anyway I had a dream that this game was a trick, and while it was playing away in the background it was using up all my internets or making my watch part of a bot net or something.

I always go back and buy a sony again of course because they're so beautiful and the tech is mostly amazing.

UPDATE: live weekly track chart is over in the sidebar again now.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.