Blog2015 ≫ Got my new phone now too

Hmm I thought I was getting a bit of a cheap option on the phone front. I needed a new handset, my old samsung ace only has android 2.3 on it, it just doesn't really cut the mustard any more. It was "free" with the contract that Clare got for me, the cheapest one available at the time, I wasn't really bothered about the phone. It does work with the pebble, just about, but to the barest minimum. So I got a new phone. Bought a handset outright, not getting a new contract, going pay as you go instead now. Two year phone deals so that you have the fake impression of getting an expensive phone for free is a mugs game.

This counted me out from getting a fancy phone I thought, if you want an iphone without a contract it could be 600 quid. Even a slightly outdated Google Nexus (which was what I fancied) would be 300, so I settled on the first cheapish one I could find that looked like it did NFC and I paid 100 for a Sony Experia. And it's quite amazing! It's WATERPROOF for a start what is all that about? Not just splash proof, I can use it underwater. To take pictures at least, sound quality and reception might be limited...

Obviously it works great with the pebble so I've got the new apps and developer options that I wanted. Started with misfit for fitness and sleep tracking. It says I slept 8 hours ten minutes last night, but then it also says I've taken two steps every time I lift my left arm, so we'll see. Could be that the weight of the pebble watch really makes it count as two steps exercise, let's go with that.

Clare says the new phone is a Dom Jolly phone. It is big, 4.8'' screen but nice and slim. She also says the watch is a BA Baracus watch, so what does she know? I pity the fool.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town. Wed + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.