Blog2014 ≫ Our car is going into the garage today...

Expecting a big bill from this one. Our little Fiesta is going in to Zanchi Motors today, for the long awaited look into a) why the seatbelt warning light is constantly on and b) why all the coolant keeps leaking out. The coolant on its own could be a significant bill, as it's probably the tank that feeds into the radiator (think that is how it works) needs replacing, so any new parts from Ford could be expensive enough, plus labour etc. It's the first one that is the real worry though, the warning light. The garage had a quick look before (which I don't think they charged us for) and said it is probably the ECU. Replacing that will run into hundreds, possibly making the work not economically viable, but without it the car will not pass the next mot (and is possibly not super safe to drive).

Fingers crossed.

I have saved money on another potential bill recently by fixing our patio doors myself. The handle / lock has been getting stiffer and stiffer, needing more effort to open and close the

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in A small town. Married to Clare + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.