Blog2014 ≫ Princes Parade Development

I have a prediction about the Princes Parade development in Hythe. Once work has started on building the new school and swimming pool and so on, the money will run out. The only way to complete the school and the swimming pool will be to build a lot more houses / flats than were originally proposed. No-one could have foreseen this happening could they?

Interestingly been getting some "pro" campaigning emails too from Hythe Aqua, the swimming club that Number one son goes to.

Dear Friend of Princes Parade,

The long awaited presentation of Shepway's report to cabinet, shaedulled for last December, will take place on the 28th of May, The agenda for Cabinet, Wednesday, 28th May, 2014, 5.00 pm has just been published. 1

If you click on the background reports you will get all the details but it is not good news. The Council have chosen to ignor local people's views and the consultation they carried out last year and are pressing ahead.

What the construction cost figures in the report do not include is the cost of decontamination and the cost of piling, because building on a rubbish tip with 8 metres of compacted rubbish to build on will be difficult and very, very expensive.

Last year the leisure centre was estimated at 12M, its now being estimated at 8.8M this reduction is against a backdrop of construction cost inflation. Construction costs are increasing across the South East, yet Shepway are predicting a reduction?

The figures also do not include the protection to the Royal Military Canal, the design allows to raise the site next to the canal by a full meter, then to put 3 storey town houses on top, this will be a structure that will loom a full 40 feet above the canal.

The figures do not include for the infrastructure cost of bring gas water and electricity to the site. Naturally there has been no allowance for drainage to take sewerage away from the site. Because of the site's remoteness: surrounded by the sea and the RMC, major infrastructure will be required to service the site.

The reports also outline plans to develop the existing swimming pools site with 60 flats and the site originally earmarked for the school development in Eversly Rd with 40 flats and houses.

As a highly qualified Chartered Surveyor very experienced in this type of development work, I have carried out a "cost check" against Shepways figures and the "funding gap" is much more likely to be in excess of 10M rather than the 1.95M stated by Shepway, which of course local people will have to fund.

Do Shepway really think that putting children in a seafront school, constructed on a contaminated rubbish tip, which will be in the teeth of the winter storms, is a good idea?

If possible can you send your thoughts in an email to the leader of Shepway Council, Mr David Monk:

There is an exhibition of the Council's Plans at Seabrook Hall, Seabrook Rd, Hythe on Friday 23rd May from 9.00am until 5.00pm, please go along if you can and make your views known.

Many thanks

Jim Martin

  1. Removed old link here.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Married + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.