Blog2013 ≫ First casualty of the great storm of 2013

The wind blew the car door shut on Number one son's hand this morning! He howled like a banshee, and could not would not bend his fingers, so I took him to A&E. Got him x-rayed after quite a wait, and then got the results after an even longer wait. Nothing broken but he's going to lose the nail on one finger. They've strapped two fingers together to try and keep it nice and straight and wrapped it up so the new nail grows straight.

So not really a fun day, but Number one son is fine now so that is the main thing. At times like this the nearest accident and emergency being so far away1 is annoying.

Clare gave me some time this afternoon to finish painting the hall which is good. It's looking pretty much exactly as it did before I started, but I know it's been done. I also touched up some of the scuffs on other walls too, so I expect when it's all dried those touched up bits will show up all the rest of the walls.

number two son was not up particularly early today. We kept them both up later last night to try and make this clocks-going-back work for us all, and I think it just about did.

Everyone is starting to panic about this impending storm. It might be bigger than the big one in 1987, but it might not hit us at all. Father-in-law says I should bring in the furniture off the balcony, but I might risk it, the balcony is quite sheltered. There are only a few bits out in the back garden, I hope they don't blow away but I'm not bothered enough to bring things like the swingball into the house..

Pall Claaarghke

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed to Clare and father to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.