I had a list for my day off today:
It all went a bit wrong because Clare really did take my keys, so I was stuck in the house. Couldn't drive the car, couldn't leave the house unlocked. All I managed to do was hoover and play the guitar. I gave it a good blast with the amp and the volume up today, it must have sounded lovely...
I went to the doctor this morning, I had my health screening, as paid for by work. All went very smoothly, everything appeared to be fine, just waiting on the results of the blood. But as everything looked fine today, and i have no symptoms, then the blood results are unlikely to show anything. My weight is good, my BMI is good, my health was good in every way they could check. Glad I went now!
I planned to go to B&Q and get some more sockets and maybe a relay, so I can control the lights that I don't want to dim at the moment, like the kitchen downlighters. One of the problem with my lightwaverf remote / automated setup at the moment is that all the switches are dimmers, and the cheapest low energy bulbs that you can get are not dimmable. So the solution is to fit a lightwaverf relay instead, hide the real switch, and control the relay with a remote master switch. Anyway, as I was stuck in all afternoon I didn't do any of this. I did have another look at the two way lighting in the hallway and still can't figure it, it's a nightmare, going to have to get an electrician in. Will hopefully be a very quick job for a profesional. So might go to B&Q tomorrow to get all the right bits in advance then I can get all wired up. I did have one DIY success today though, I stopped the radiator from dripping. A couple of fails though, I was planning to help the in-laws with a plumbing problem, but couldn't because I couldn't leave the house, and then also later the TV went off on the timer while Clare was watching something. Oops. The timer was set past her normal bed time, but still, I'll change it to a bit later.
The bleach was not to drink, though the wine was. Clare picked some up, we took a gamble on Aldi for the first time and it seems to have paid off. The car can wait for another day. Maybe tomorrow, when I have another day off...
⬅️ This looks really nice :: Energy usage ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Wed to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.