Man alive been back at work two days already and it feels like longer. Lots of stuff to do.
The drive back from Mum and Dad's was even faster than the record breaking trip there, less than two hours I think. We did so well we didn't have our packed lunch until we got home. Still early and a lovely day so I think we went down to Folkestone Harbour in the afternoon. We definitely went, but was it this afternoon? The tide was in, which makes the harbour look lovely, but it makes the sunny sands beach very crowded, so we just went for a look then took a walk up in to town, to the book shop and sweet shop. Even the fountain down at the harbour was not working, so not too much to stick around for. A pleasant afternoon anyway.
The next couple of days I got stuck in to my DIY. We've been in the house a year (exactly on Saturday, 20th August) and I had not painted any of the doors or woodwork, so maybe time at last to give it a go. Over the next two mornings I did the front door, garage door, downstairs loo and utility room and all the skirtings, not bad going. Exciting stuff I'm sure you'll agree. Predictably it makes the stuff we did a year ago look a bit ropey now so it might be an ongoing project.
While waiting for the paint to dry we managed trips to Canterbury and a lovely lunch in Canterbury Wholefoods, an afternoon swimming in The Stour Centre Ashford, a ride on a steam train and some time at Bodiham Castle. But I think I already covered them.
Now back to uploading my pictures. Some good news there, it seems Picasa has not removed the pictures from the new camera, it's transferred them to the computer but can't do anything with them as they are Sony's proprietary format .mts I think. Hope I can find something to convert them without needing to buy the software from Sony...
⬅️ Where did my holiday go (part five)? :: More good news, Coach Trip is back ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed to Clare + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.