More on The Vibrations who played Toft's in 1966

FG ≫ 2011 ≫ More on The Vibrations who played Toft's in 1966

Courtesy of

Got my original info from this page1 on collecting-tull.com2 but now garagehangover.com3 have this page about The Noblemen4 which has more info:

The group backs The Vibrations at Toft's in Folkestone, Kent. Former Loving Kind guitarist Noel Redding joins the musicians backstage after the show. Little does he know but his future band leader Jimi Hendrix is flying out from the USA tonight on route for London.

Garagehangover.com5 looks to be a great site if you're interested in the bands of the 1960s. There's a great scan of a Toft's poster / flyer there too.

If anyone has anything to share on old gigs in Folkestone, please get in touch.

UPDATE: I only really meant for this to appear on Folkestone Gerald but I made a change to my blog recently so it posts new stories I write there, or on my family tree page, up here. I'm sure it won't actually bother anyone...

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This is part of my site The Folkestone Gerald that I set up in a fury of excitement when we first moved here in approximately 2004. I'd been a frequent visitor for a while previous to that so I am technically one of those DFLs you get now. This site was updated more frequently with a gig calendar + voting for favourite places and things, and I hear it was a handy resource for others who were moving here. Now Iʼve moved out of Folkestone again (though only to Hythe) it doesnʼt get as much attention as it used to. Ironic really as Folkestone itself is now becoming the exciting place we knew it was just about to. I am not Gerald BTW, the name comes from a fake paper in an episode of Brasseye or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, and how there is a local newspaper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are great arenʼt they? Do get in touch if you have something to offer, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on Twitter.