RE: Got an email about the School of Art - 14129

FG ≫ 2011 ≫ RE: Got an email about the School of Art - 14129

⬆️RE: Got an email about the School of Art - 12598

hello peeps,i was at folkestone school or art 69/71 graphic design,don judd,john dyke,the horrible graham hudson.the first year incorporated tuition from ken back and corinne jones.they taught me so much.finding some succes as a painter at the moment,peeps tell me im famous.there was a lot of dope and stuff around at the time and yung peeps will experiment.anyone remember neil davies,he did ceramics.i have heard he died,i did track down john lucas.the lovely lorna winslow no trace,the voluptuous penny, no trace,duncan monroe no trace,he owes me dosh. found your site by accident.brings back memories. yours t.summerfield.


💬 An email from Lorna Winslow

⬅️ :: ➡️

This is part of my site The 'Gerald that I set up in a fury of enthusiasm when I first came to Folkestone sometime in '04. I'd been a frequent visitor for a few years previous to that but I am technically one of those Down From Londons you get nowadays. The site used to be updated more frequently with a calendar of events + voting for best venues + things, + I know it was a handy reference for others who were thinking of moving to the area. Now I've moved out of Folkestone again (though only a couple of miles) it doesn't get as much attention as it used to. Ironic really as The town is becoming the exciting place we knew it was about to become. My name is not Gerald BTW, this comes from a fake paper in an episode of Brasseye or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, and how there is a local newspaper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are great aren't they? Do contact me if you have anything to offer, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on the twitter.